Saturday, September 3, 2016

Kingston Transit Bus Services

Kingston Transit Bus service runs from roughly 8am - 8pm on Sundays and Holidays. This will be the case for Sunday Sept. 4 and Monday Sept. 5.

On Sunday Sept. 4 bus stops within Queen's Campus will not be running due to the traffic of Residence Move-in between the hours of 8am and roughly 5pm. You can find the detour routes for any buses that typically run through campus here (please scroll down to Sept 4):…/transit/service-alerts

If you are running late due to traffic/transit issues on Sunday Sept. 4, please do not worry about missing registration as we will be in Bartlett Gym (in the PEC, 69 Union Street) for the better part of the afternoon (2:30pm-6:30pm).

If you need to leave events early on Sunday Sept. 4 or Monday Sept. 5 in order to catch buses home that is totally fine and Landlords/Execs will help you out if need be.

Link to Kingston Bus Schedules:…/transit/bus-schedules

Link to Kingston Transit Trip Planner* (basically run through Google Maps so you can easily plan a trip on your phone):

*Kingston Trip Planner/Google Maps may not accommodate for service changes (ie. Sept. 4) when you try to plan a trip so please consult the detour service maps

Friday, September 2, 2016

Location is Key


Wondering where you're supposed to show up for the party? Sign-in and meet-and-greet on Sunday, September 4th will be held in BARTLETT GYM located inside the PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION CENTRE (PEC). There will be direction signs posted on the walls inside the PEC to lead you to Bartlett Gym.

This gym will be used as our main meeting spot each morning throughout Orientation Week, and students will be informed at the end of each day where to meet the next morning (in case the meeting spot changes).


Here's a Map so you can find your way!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

What to Expect

Congratulations and welcome to Queen’s University! We hope that you have an amazing experience during your time at Queen’s, and we hope that we, at FYNIRS, will be able to help you along the way. We’re very excited to meet all of our incoming students—you, the Class of 2020, our 22nd group of FYNIRS.

This timeline will provide you information regarding our very fast upcoming Orientation Week, taking place September 4th to September 6th. Please read the information carefully so that you’re prepared for the week!

A few quick notes: we move to the events as a group, so don’t worry about figuring out where all these places are. Just ensure that you can get to BARTLETT GYM located inside the PHYSICAL HEALTH AND EDUCATION CENTRE in the morning. Your Orientation Leaders will help you from there! Sunday is also move-in day for the Residence students; traffic may be a bit crazy because of it!


 Day One: Sunday Sept. 4th 2016
  • 1430 (2:30pm) – Sign-in and Late Registration begins in BARTLETT GYM, Frosh are then assigned groups upon completion and will join their Landlords
    • For directions to BARTLETT GYM click here:
    • Be sure to eat lunch (or bring something with you to eat). We don’t have a provided dinner tonight, but we will provide light snacks so you don't starve!
    • There will be icebreaker games and Landlords will teach you cheers and traditions to prepare you for the week!
  • Welcome Rally - Landlords and Execs will guide First-years to the ARC Gym to join Residence Students to enjoy the Welcome Rally.
Things to Bring:
  • Copy of Eventbrite Ticket (if you registered online)
  • Cash for Late Registration Fee (if you did not pay online--$50)
  • Re-fillable Water Bottle 
  • Small bag to keep your personal belongings in (ex. Phone, wallet, etc.)
  • Snacks and a meal if you know you get hungry!
Day Two: Monday Sept. 5th 2016
  • 0915 (9:15am) – Frosh Arrival + Late-sign-ins + Late Registration
    • Meet in BARTLETT GYM (same place as the day before)
  • FYNIRS Class of 2020 Group Photo -- Form giant 20 on Summerhill
  • Faculty Mixer -- Students will re-organize into groups by Faculty and go around campus doing a Photo Scavenger Hunt
  • Catered Lunch -- Sponsored by Minos on Barrie! There will be a variety of presentations occurring while students eat from clubs and resources on campus
  • Frosh Olympics -- Obstacle course, cheer offs, water fights--time to get loud and proud of your group!
    • You can bring a change of clothes if you think you're going to get real messy so that you don't ruin your Frosh shirt!
  • Dinner at Leonard Cafeteria -- Get a taste of that Res-life
  • Karaoke and Carnival -- Sing your hearts out (or not if you don't want to)! You can also attend a Carnival courtesy of University Days.
Things to Bring:
  • If you did not show up on the First Day:
    • Copy of Eventbrite Ticket (if you registered online)
    • Cash for Late Registration Fee if you did not register online beforehand ($50)  
  • Re-fillable Water Bottle
  • Small bag to keep your personal belongings in (ex. Phone, wallet, etc.)
  • A snack just in case you get hungry in between events (ex. Granola bar, fruit, etc.)
  • A copy of your class schedule for the Faculty Mixer so Landlords can show you where your classes will be, and also answer any questions about the classes
  • Change of clothes (Frosh Olympics and the Water Fight can get messy! We love dirt! Extra change of clothes keeps your FYNIRS T-shirt clean for the next day!)
Day Three: Tuesday Sept. 6th 2016
  • 0915 (9:15am) – Meet in BARTLETT GYM and head off to City Park
  • Capture the Flag -- When's the last time you played this one?
  • Lunch at Leonard Cafeteria -- Just in case you didn't get to try everything the day before
  • Existere -- You'll have a good time, we promise!
  • Semi-Formal -- Held at the Renaissance Event Hall this year! There will be Awards, a Silent Auction and a lot of dancing!
    • Don't worry about getting lost, Execs and Landlords will make sure you get there!
    • Directions to the Renaissance:
    • This is semi-formal attire but remember to wear comfortable shoes!
    • We have some really cool stuff in our Silent Auction this year so bring some cash and you could be taking home something nice!
 Things to bring:
  • Re-fillable Water Bottle
  • Small bag to keep your personal belongings in (ex. Phone, wallet, etc.)
  • A snack just in case you get hungry in between events (ex. Granola bar, fruit, etc.)
  • Cash for the Semi-Formal to buy extra food and drinks if desired, as well as to participate in the Live Auction
  • Semi-Formal wear for the boat cruise. You should have time to change and shower, but keep your landlords posted if you need to leave earlier.
  • Pair of comfortable shoes/flats if you choose to wear heels
  • You will not be allowed to be bare-footed
  • Camera if you wish to take better photos
    • FYNIRS is not responsible for any belongings lost, stolen or damaged
From all of us at FYNIRS, we hope your Queen's University experience is one you'll never forget!
FYNIRS Exec Team 2016