Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What does FYNIRS stand for?
A: First Years Not In Residence Students

Q: What do FYNIRS do?
A: FYNIRS provides two services to the Queen's community. Firstly, we act as an Orientation Week for incoming students who choose not to go into residence their first year. Secondly, we act as a campus club under the AMS year-round, providing a Lounge space on campus to FYNIRS.

Q: What do we do during FYNIRS Orientation Week?
A: We have a variety of social and academic activities planned throughout our week. This includes ice breaker games, learning cheers, Frosh Olympics, faculty mixers, resource presentations, annual boat cruise and live auction.

Q: What are Landlords?
A: Landlord is the title of FYNIRS Orientation Week Leaders. They're the ones who will be leading you around throughout the week and answering any of your questions.

Q: Do I have to participate in all the activities?
A: We encourage all of our students to participate in and attend the full Orientation Week, but if you do not feel comfortable with participating in an activity, there is no problem in sitting out and taking a break on the side. Our Landlords are friendly and accommodating, and will make sure you don't feel left out.

Q: Do we get Coveralls and Tams during FYNIRS Orientation Week?
A: No, we do not provide these items during FYNIRS O-Week because they are given to students during Faculty Orientation Week. Each Faculty has their own traditions with the Tams so we leave it to them.

Q: What is the difference between FYNIRS Orientation Week and Faculty Orientation Week?
A: FYNIRS O-Week happens the first 3 days while students who do go into Residence are participating in University Days (getting to know their room mates/floor mates/Dons). Faculty O-Week runs the following 4-5 days, and is for all students, residence or not.

Q: Do I have to register for both FYNIRS and Faculty Orientation Weeks?
A: Orientation Week is not mandatory, but it is recommended as it is a great way to start off your University experience and get to know new people. You do not have to do both FYNIRS and Faculty Orientation Week. Students in the past have only done FYNIRS O-Week and have reported to feel that they did not miss out on anything. If you do choose to do both Orientation Weeks, you do have to register for them separately.

Q: What happens to FYNIRS after Orientation Week?
A: FYNIRS doesn't end after Orientation Week. You'll be able to keep in touch with your Executives, Landlords and fellow peers. We have a Lounge space on campus (Queen's Centre 3rd Floor A6-16) where you can socialize and relax, as well as monthly FYNIRS events and get-togethers.

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