Monday, March 27, 2017

DeFYNIRS of the Queen's Community: Joy Yen

This week's DeFYNIR is a past Executive, Joy Yen! Joy has been an Executive for FYNIRS for two years, a landlord before that. Outside of FYNIRS she has been involved within the Computer Science Faculty as a mentor for SUDO, a women's coding initiative, as well with the newly launched DATA journal.

What was the name of your frosh group?
My Landlord group was Ice Frosh.

What is one thing that makes you proud to be a FYNIR?
I'm proud to be a FYNIR because I was not a FYNIR in my first year but I was warmly welcomed.

What was your most memorable moment from FYNIRS Orientation Week?
My most memorable moment from Orientation Week was my first day as a Landlord waiting for the first frosh to show up.

How has FYNIRS helped you throughout your time here at Queen’s?
FYNIRS has helped by introducing me to a bunch of my friends. I've met some wonderful people in the lounge and done great work with my Co-Landlords and Co-Execs. This great sense of community is what has driven me to get involved and give back to FYNIRS. I have lived my whole life in Kingston and have always felt connected with Kingston and Queen's University.

What's one thing about FYNIRS you'd like other people to know?
People should know that FYNIRS is a friendly and diverse community. Come to the lounge or events and say Hi.

The FYNIRS Executive team would like to thank Joy for all she has done for FYNIRS as well as for the general computing community. We wish Joy a happy fifth year and hope she continues to expand her involved within Queen's and the general Kingston area. We encourage other FYNIRS as well to continue to seek opportunities in order to get involved in both the Queen’s and Kingston communities!

Do you know a FYNIR who is deserving of some recognition for their involvement in the Queen’s community? Nominate them for an interview here:

Monday, March 20, 2017

DeFYNIRS of the Queen's Community: Priya MacVicar

Happy Motivational Monday!

From Events Executive 2016 to Mall Santa, our next DeFYNIR of the Queen’s Community is Priya MacVicar! Priya was an integral part of the 2016 FYNIRS Events Team and now is preparing for her role as Residence Don for the 2017-2018 school year. Apart from FYNRIS Priya has been involved as a homecoming volunteer, a reading buddy for Read for Fun and many more other Queen’s initiatives. Priya shows that although you don’t need to come from FYNIRS, you can certainly still become involved and have an impact!

How have you gotten involved in the Queen’s community? 
Within FYNIRS I have been an orientation leader as well as an events executive. I have also been a reading buddy for Read for Fun, a Housing Resource Centre officer, and a homecoming volunteer. I like to keep myself busy and Queen's has so many amazing opportunities to get involved!

What was the name of your frosh group? 
I was adopted into FYNIRS so I don't have a frosh group! But as a landlord my frosh group was Frosh the Next Gen (shout out to my marvelous co-landlords Claire and Marcus!).

What is one thing that makes you proud to be a FYNIR? 
One thing that makes me incredibly proud to be a FYNIR is how accepting and supportive our community is! At first I felt like a complete outsider and I was scared I wouldn't make any friends. My fears were immediately put to rest as I was welcomed with open arms. I have met such amazing people from all over Canada and from every faculty. Some of my most treasured friendships grew out of invitations to play videogames or watch movies in the FYNIRS lounge.

What was your most memorable moment from FYNIRS Orientation Week?
My most memorable moment from FYNIRS Orientation Week has to be the sponge/water fight after Frosh Olympics. We separated first-years and landlords on opposite teams only to realize landlords were outnumbered about 3 to 1. Nothing can compare to a hundred screaming frosh running at you with wet sponges! I had never laughed so hard in my life.

How has FYNIRS helped you throughout your time here at Queen’s? 
FYNIRS has allowed me to meet some of my best friends. I couldn't imagine my life without these special people.

What's one thing about FYNIRS you'd like other people to know?
We are a strong and vibrant part of Queen's. FYNIRS are hardworking, passionate, and tenacious. This community is made of diverse and amazing people involved across campus in sports teams, clubs, and executive positions. We are not limited in any way.

The 2017 FYNIRS Team would like to wish Priya good luck in her new role as Residence Don 2017-2018, as well as thank her for all the work she’s done within the FYNIRS community. Her dedication to our community shows that no matter if you were from residence or were a FYNIRS in your first year, you can still be involved as long as you put your mind to it.

Do you know a FYNIR who is deserving of some recognition for their involvement in the Queen’s community? Nominate them for an interview here:


Monday, March 13, 2017

DeFYNIRS of the Queen's Community: Nazifa Chowdhury

Happy Motivational Monday! Our next DeFYNIR is the lovely Nazifa Chowdhury! Nazifa is a Kingston native, and is currently in 3rd year Applied Economics. Nazifa has gotten involved with OXFAM, Queen’s Best Buddies, and is currently the Finance Director of War Child @ Queen’s, highlighting the diversity of clubs available to students at Queen’s!

How have you gotten involved in the Queen’s community? 
I have gotten involved in the Queen's community through the OXFAM Fair-Trade Snack Bar, Queen's Best Buddies and Finance Director of War Child @ Queen's

What was the name of your frosh group? 
Ice Frosh

What is one thing that makes you proud to be a FYNIR? 
One thing that makes me proud to be a FYNIR is that the FYNIRS community is very strong knit. I have gotten the chance to meet amazing people from all different faculties, as well as make long-lasting connections.

What was your most memorable moment from FYNIRS Orientation Week? 
My most memorable moment from FYNIRS Orientation Week was Frosh Olympics, which was the obstacle course filled with cheer offs and water fights! It was a great way to get to know and get comfortable with other members of my frosh group, and I also got the chance to talk to other frosh members of the FYNIRS community.

How has FYNIRS helped you throughout your time here at Queen’s? 
FYNIRS has helped me throughout my time here at Queen's by introducing me to a group of students who were in the same boat as me. As someone who didn't live in residence first year, I was worried that I would be missing out on some really fun experiences, but FYNIRS Orientation Week was a great way to start off my time here at Queen's!

What's one thing about FYNIRS you'd like other people to know? 
One thing about FYNIRS that I'd like other people to know is that it's a great way to connect with other people who are not living in residence. Even though the FYNIRS community is small in numbers, it is a great group of people that are heavily involved at Queen's!

The FYNIRS Executive team would like to thank Nazifa for sharing her story, which shows us that there really is something for everyone here at Queen’s! We encourage FYNIRS to continue to seek opportunities to get involved in both the Queen’s and Kingston communities!


Do you know a FYNIR who is deserving of some recognition for their involvement in the Queen’s community? Nominate them for an interview here:

Monday, March 6, 2017

DeFYNIRS of the Queen's Community: Ashley Drouillard

What day is it? Motivational Monday!

Today’s influential member of the community has recently been busy interning for Computing Students Association (COMPSA) this past year and is currently in the transition period for Vice President of University Affairs. She has also held many other positions within COMPSA and by playing an active role in COMPSA, our influential member of the FYNIRS community shows how important student governments are to the success of a university. Without further ado, here is Ashley Drouillard!

Whats is your name, year, and program?
Ashley Drouillard, Software Design – Computer Science ‘19

How have you gotten involved in the Queen’s community? 
COMPSA – Computing Students Association: Scribe (2015), Intern (2016) and going into third year as the Vice President of University Affairs.

What was the name of your frosh group? 
Frosh the Next Gen

What is one thing that makes you proud to be a FYNIR? 
I am proud at the fact that FYNIRS provides a welcoming and accommodating community for all incoming students outside of residence. FYNIRS provides an opportunity for students to meet new people and develop long standing relationships.

What was your most memorable moment from FYNIRS Orientation Week? 
I wasn’t able to participate in FYNIRS Orientation week as a frosh but I have to say that my favourite FYNIRS event from first year was the trip to the Corn Maze on Wolfe Island. It’s where I was ‘adopted’ into my FYNIRS Frosh Group and where I met many of my friends to this day!

How has FYNIRS helped you throughout your time here at Queen’s? 
As I mentioned before, FYNIRS has provided a welcoming and supportive community throughout my time here at Queens’. The FYNIRS lounge has given me a place to study or just hang out with people between classes. During my time at Queens, my FYNIRS frosh group has always been very close knit and supportive. I had amazing landlords that created a great first impression and a great first year at Queens. Through FYNIRS I was able to meet so many new people and it’s where I met my current housemates! What I love about FYNIRS is that the community doesn’t end after first year.

What's one thing about FYNIRS you'd like other people to know? 
I’d like incoming off campus students to know that FYNIRS doesn’t have to end after frosh week. I’d encourage FYNIRS to hang out at the lounge and to come out to the events throughout the year!

Ashley shows us the even though the FYNIRS community is small in numbers we make up for it by having outstanding members, who go on to be leaders and inspirations to others. The 2017 executive team would like to thank Ashley for being a member of student government, but not also forgetting her roots as a FYNIRS. We would like to wish her luck in her upcoming year as Vice President of University Affairs of COMPSA.

If you would like to nominate someone you know as a notable FYNIRS, you can do so at this link here: